-Muslim Country
- The Republic of Maldives is one of the muslim countries.Visitors must disciplined Sunna when in Maldives.
- Moslem of Maldives pray five times per day, sunrise, noon, afternoon between 3-4 p.m., sunset, and at night. All shops closed about 15 mins when pray period.
- No pork allowed to eat in Muslim countries.
- Vistors should paid duly attention to their dressing in a formal occasion, especially women.
- a. Strictly prohibit fishing, picking or trampling on coral without permission. Violators have to pay $5000 penalty
- b. Strictly prohibit cooking at hotel rooms. Violators have to pay $5000 penalty
- c. Attention have to paid that no hubbub on the islands in order to ensure ecological equilibrium.
Pretty good in Maldives
Vistors need to prepare acute and chronic medicine, since the medical condition is lag behind.